
Showing posts with label GoodCompanies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GoodCompanies. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Openness to change

One of my favorite commercials is a classic ad from a cellular network provider that humorously depicts our habitual reactions to change.

The scene features a bugler from St. Mary's Church in Krakow. Knowing he won't be able to play the bugle call from the church tower, he improvises. In an act of desperation and reflex to cope with life's situations, he decides to play the bugle call from his current location, where he got stuck, and transmits the signal via a mobile phone.

The bugler's resourcefulness causes a stir among a group of villagers. His actions cause a cognitive shock in them. Taken by surprise by this deviation from tradition, they instinctively cling to their old habits and resist to accept this situation as acceptable.

This commercial brilliantly illustrates a universal truth: every change begins with shock and disbelief, often followed by rejection and questioning. Many potential changes never materialize because they are dismissed during this initial stage.

Reflect on your own approach to change. How many changes do you reject outright? How many do you consider? How many do you ultimately embrace? After your initial knee-jerk reaction, what helps you move to a stage where you can at least consider the change?

Consider what strategies help you gain perspectives beyond your own. What makes it easier for you to engage in self-awareness and personal growth? By exploring these questions, you can develop a more open and adaptable mindset towards change.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

A journey of self-transcendence - towards expressing myself

Summarizing my experiences and building my own understanding of what is important, what is meaningful and what is relevant resulted in a few mini books published on Leanpub and one fully fledged book - Good Companies, published on amazon. Clearly writing is my channel of expression.

The journey took me a few years before I was able to make my own sense of reality, extract the essence of my experience and use it to switch to the forward-looking frame. In this new frame I discovered endless potential for growth and transcendence. For me personally, for companies, and for societies.

Even now, one year after the Good Companies book was published, I resist removing a weekly reminder in my calendar that I set years ago in order to shape and define the rhythm of my efforts. Clearly the journey has transformed me and became a cornerstone of who I am, of my identity.

What's for you in my story?
1. Hear your inner voice, grow up to your mission, let it become the source of your actions.
2. Find your natural channel of expression
3. Let the change happen despite the associated feeling of "losing control" and departing from what you are used to and how it used to be, from your comfort zone.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Leadership in times of "Agile is Dead" awakening

 When I hear someone says "Agile is Dead" I hear a disappointment, nostalgia that the time has come to say goodbye to something highly valued and meaningful, and also I hear hope there is a way to save Agile. 

Do not mix commoditization of ideas (i.e. Kano model) with their death. On the contrary, commoditization means the ideas become ubiquitous. Your business model may be dead, but not the ideas.

On the level of "Agile" buzzword - I don't care. It's probably better that it is dead. Personally, I hope that certifications are dead - all these 2 days trainings for thousands of dollars need to disappear. The quality of those trainings was tragic, their impact - negative. The existence of those trainings clearly reflected the existence of the Agile bubble. A word of mouth and an appealing productivity boost story caused the irrational pressure both on individual level and inside companies to follow the herd. This is how myths and cargo cults are created. Pragmatism and practical daily routines, e.g. XP, design thinking, coaching, is what counts for me. Cutting through the smalltalk and buzzwords, making decisions, getting things done count. Getting the best out of people and empathy count.

On the level of an idea - I do care. Agile is not dead. First, we barely touched agility as the whole thing (take the Integral Agility perspective to understand my point of view). Second, there are ideas building on agility that can take us to the next level. By us I mean not only companies, but in the first place individuals, societies, and the whole humanity. 

For those who narrow down the meaning of Agile to organizational effectiveness (aka performance machine), this may sound like claptrap, and I expect them to be among those preachers of 'Agile is Dead'. Don't worry abut these guys - they represent the fixed mindset, and clearly have not appreciated all the lessons learnt from two decades of the Agile era. If you paid them for leading you through Agility journey, I can imagine you find yourself disappointed - leaders abandon you once their business model, i.e. evangelizing without responsibility, collapses. That's the worst thing one can expect from a leader...

Personally, I was processing all the signs of disintegration of the idea of Agile, all the corruption and manipulation that led to the 'Agile is Dead' slogan very carefully. I wrote a few mini-books sharing my perspective on the phenomenon (see Agile 2020s - The Great Retrospective). First of the books were focusing on sharing experiences from the trenches, from the enterprise companies (see The Secret Ingredients of Agile Transformations, or The Landscape of Enterprise Agile Transformations). The latest book, Good Companies, takes a different stand. I have drawn an inspirational future of what is possible if we really care. It took a deep personal journey to discover all the beauty, and all the burden necessary to let the beauty shine, of where we can be if we focus our potential on what is important.

I strongly encourage you to find your own answers, coin your own meaning, and shape your own path, preserving a proper distance from the mainstream mourning of the Agile is Dead' transition.

As a side note, let me brief you with a bit of my personal transformation. If Agile is really dead, that would mean we are able to masacre even the most valuable ideas. I isolate myself from such thinking. I see it differently: we are so trapped in the wrong framing, we do not even realize there is one, and as a result we lost the ability to follow what is important to us. The reductionist frame and the group biases don't let us assess the situation clearly. 

A breakthrough is required, and possible as presented in Good Companies, to offer the world the best of who we, humans, are. A journey starts from the current state of how we interact with the world, i.e. Careless Exploitation and leads to state of the Caring Guardianship. It is a state where an independent observer, e.g. one of the species inhabiting the Earth can call our interactions with the world a caring guardianship. I believe this is the best of us that we owe to offer to this world. Whether we can make it will be the ultimate answer of meaning of our existence. 

This shift in understanding our role here results in shifts in cardinal aspects of how we understand the meaning of business, the mental model of economy, the relation between societies and the economy, etc. We have not yet started the journey! In my case the triggering event for opening the quest for Good Companies were the observations from many companies that I worked with, and the existing frictions not addressed, not even recognized(!) by digital and agile transformations.

Friday, February 2, 2024

Interview (in Polish): KRYZYS WARTOŚCI w nowoczesnym świecie - jak się ODNALEŹĆ? | Piotr Trojanowski

W dzisiejszym dynamicznie zmieniającym się świecie, gdzie technologia i biznes ewoluują w zaskakującym tempie, często zapominamy o podstawowych wartościach i równowadze między życiem zawodowym a prywatnym. W tym odcinku "Kryzys Wartości w Nowoczesnym Świecie", zgłębiamy tematykę holistycznego podejścia do życia i pracy. Rozmawiam z Piotrem Trojanowskim o tym, jak zarówno liderzy biznesowi, jak i każdy z nas może odnaleźć harmonię i sens w codzienności. Poruszamy kwestie sztucznej inteligencji, transformacji biznesowej i znaczenia pełni człowieczeństwa w nowoczesnym świecie. Dołącz do nas, aby odkryć, jak możemy razem budować bardziej świadomą i zrównoważoną przyszłość. *W filmie poruszymy tematy* Redefinicja Sukcesu: Jak nowoczesne spojrzenie na sukces wpływa na nasze życie zawodowe i osobiste. Rola AI w Biznesie i Życiu: Zrozumienie wpływu sztucznej inteligencji na decyzje biznesowe i codzienne życie. Zmiany w Edukacji i Biznesie: Jak adaptować się do przewidywanych rewolucji w szkołach i firmach. Wyzwania Transformacji Biznesowej: Przejście od status quo do innowacji i autonomii pracowników. Społeczne Skutki Technologicznej Ery: Dyskusja o nowym układzie społecznym w obliczu zmian technologicznych. Holokracja i Nowoczesne Organizacje: Eksploracja nowych modeli organizacji biznesowych. Równowaga Pracy i Życia: Jak znaleźć balans między karierą a życiem prywatnym w świecie pełnym presji. Duchowe i Emocjonalne Aspekty Biznesu: Znaczenie wartości, duchowości i emocji w podejmowaniu decyzji biznesowych.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

An epigram on Good Companies.

Hey, Product gurus! 

Help me understand: Have we been helping to build the wrong thing for the last 20 years? Have we been optimizing companies for the wrong metrics? Why haven't we seen the elephant in the room? I guess, apparently we were in the elephants stomach...

Why haven't we noticed the uber-container, in which companies reside, is flawed and needs rethinking? The economy, I mean. It serves the wrong purpose. And thus companies do.

We tried to play a good game in the wrong pitch. I have learnt it is called Agent - Arena mismatch. 

I shape this epigram for you to spread: 

Instead of optimizing companies within the current economy, fix the economy to let companies regenerate themselves!

Happy 2024! I have a feeling it will rock!!!

Thursday, November 9, 2023

InfoQ article: How to leverage Good Companies to Fight Civilizaitonal Debt?

After my #XP2023 talk, Ben Linders led me through the process of publishing an interview article on InfoQ about my ideas from the Good Companies book (available on amazon). Not an easy task, but here it is. I learnt a lot!

Thanks Ben, I do appreciate!

Here is the link:

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Whole-Mind Thinking by Alan Seale and my renaissance of Human Integrity

One of the books that took me by surprise is Alan Seale's Transformational Presence. 

I may say I have a resonating relation with this book. The book first surprised me with novelty of its narrative, then gave me relief that I was not alone, apparently not the only one who thought this way, helped me make sense of what I had sensed yet could not name for a long time, equipped me with a frame and vocabulary to use, and gave me strength to talk about the new perspective I learnt openly. 

I am grateful to Alan for enabling all those above-listed personal developments of myself. 

I am also surprised what a strong mark the social formatting I received in childhood left on my mind. For years I was not aware of this transparent layer of norms through which I was perceiving the world.

Examples of my discoveries in the book are The Whole-Mind Thinking and the The Whole-Being Awareness. They are central concepts which put together define the mental frame presented. I pictured the essence of The Whole-Mind Thinking on the poster below while I leave it to you to find out what The Whole-Being Awareness is.

I used The Whole-Mind Thinking in my book Good Companies to illustrate the wholeness and architecture of human intelligence in the first transformation story: Story 1: Renaissance of Human Integrity. 

I believe Story 1 is the most natural place to start the transformation - in order to transform the world, we first need to be strong and integral ourselves. The mission we need to accomplish needs us strony and integral! 

Monday, September 25, 2023

The Integral Economy Framework

Transformative efforts in companies require a lot more than changing behaviors on the surface. Nothing new. Without a deeper change, new behaviors by themselves won't last long. Nothing new again. A more enlightened approach calls for understanding the invisible forces, principles and assumptions driving companies. They originate from the principles and assumptions of the economy. The why of the economy, in turn, originates from how societies understand the meaning of business. Finally, the meaning of business originates from our understanding of our needs as humankind.

Let this iceberg help you adjust the course. It will tell you why transformations struggle. It will open up a space to lead the dialog on the necessary change. I call this iceberg The Integral Economy Framework.

The Integral Economy Framework helps understand the visible behaviors of companies as a result and a consequence of the deeper / hidden levels of logic that we have created based on our wisdom.

Every existing model of the economy can and should be evaluated using the Integral Economy Framework, first as its validation, second to ensure transparency of all levels of its logic, not just the level of Business Behaviors of companies. Only full transparency allows to assess coherence and intentions of a particular economy model.

Conclusions. A transformation is required on a much deeper level. This transformation is not about how we do things, aka "Speed & Value", but why we do things and what the meaning of the things we do is. 

Once you can see through stereotypical biases and get it right, there is no way back. Once the deep shift happens, it becomes easy to build on the deep change, help it bubble up and manifest itself in behaviors of companies.

Throughout this year, 2023, I speak and run workshops about Good Companies Economics, based on my book, about the most important transformation, the one which is closest to my heart.

Wroclaw, Poznan, London, Amsterdam and Warsaw. Next is Scotland, and then Copenhagen.

I am thankful to these who help me spread the news.

Sunday, August 20, 2023

The Good Companies Economics - 11 Paradigm Shifts within the Integral Economy Model

Why seeking redemption, or 'giving back', has been the mantra of successful business people while they should, and promisingly could, focus on changing the game!

Really, why is that? Why are so many successful business people blind to this option? Why does it take half of a human life to realize the simple truth that the only thing that matters is to Leave This Planet a Better Place? And why, even when conscious of that, do they pursue the wrong path?

I dedicated my Good Companies book to research this, and our other surprising blind spots, and irrational actions of business world today. I come back from this journey with an overwhelming load of evidence of our foolishness, but also as a new rebuilt me, with the reinforced agenda to change it! There are many calls for us to wake up and many aspects we need to revisit.

The alternative implementation of all the levels of the Integral Economy Model, or IEM in short, I present in #goodcompanies book, offers an alternative approach. Rooted in our deepest humankind needs of fulfillment by Leaving This World a Better Place, it restores the meaning of business and the economy as tools in hands of societies, as #transformation agents and as vehicles which will drive us to a meaningful future.

The roots of these otherwise irrational behaviors are located in our value systems, i.e. in the Mental Model of Humankind, in the Societal Meaning of Business, and in the Mental Model of Companies. In order to change the behaviors, we need to start transforming ourselves as humankind on these three invisible levels of the iceberg.

For example, we are trapped by our understanding of success, and by its relation to happiness, purpose and fulfillment in life. We are trapped by our understanding of the role of companies, business and the economy for societies. Also, we are trapped by our anxiety, a.k.a. the Civilizational Debt, caused by the pace of change on this planet. Yet, predominantly we are trapped by the belief of our impotence - that we are too small, and the system has been too dominant for us to change it.

The choices our grandfathers took when they were building their world are no longer helpful. It is time to contribute our generation's best and update these choices for the sake of the future generations.

Otti, thanks for the inspiration for this post in your post. p.s. Well-designed personas, I must say! - a medieval baron, a lawyer, and a businessman. A representative set indeed 😂

Sunday, July 2, 2023

Myth Busters Series: VUCA SUCCs (sucks!)

I need to admit I have long felt uncomfortable with the VUCA world framing. At some point I discovered more people not quite happy with it. (e.g. see the post of Dr Claudia Gross here.)

Historically, the VUCA term was originally coined in geopolitical context to frame leadership theory during the post-cold-war era. Its first application was in the context of military leadership at United States Army War College. (Wikipedia will introduce you to the story best.)

But then VUCA was quickly adapted by management consultancies which transferred the term into the business world. Equally quickly it became a buzzword in the context of transformation, a buzzword aiming to create a sense of urgency for a change. 

I never felt comfortable with how VUCA is used in the business context. Here goes why.

First, it brings wrong metaphor of military leadership, battlefield, etc. Companies are not battlefields for me. The framing in consequence implies focus on operational context, which is important at a battlefield, while I believe companies currently need strategic awakening. All the effort to make companies operationally excellent forgets that it is direction of development that matters in the first place. Speed of operation will build up as a consequence of people's deep connection to the direction.

Second, I saw VUCA being used as a technique for creating an artificial sense of urgency by consultants and managements of organizations. And there is little worse than that - after a few times of using this technique employees grow cautious of the intentions behind the technique and grow immune to similar "change marketing" statements. They become untrustful and thus reserved to enrolling in successive transformation efforts.

Anyway, enough on the old VUCA. It's neither a good metaphor nor a good starting point.

What is true for me in the business context is the following: Simple, Unequivocal, Consistent and Certain (SUCC). Let me bust the myth of VUCA and demystify its individual components one by one while introducing their SUCC counterparts. 

Volatile? - Our efforts are rather persistent and Consistent - we have been very determined in implementing the technological layer between us and the natural environment. And yes, we have been consistently yet unconsciously suffering from the effects of this separation (see Awakening from the Meaning Crisis by John Vervaeke)

Uncertain? - our future is Certain - we are going to cause the extinction of humankind and the planet or at least cause irreversible changes to those.

Complex? - our world is pretty Simple. We are all, i.e. individuals, societies, governments and institutions, slaves of the economic system we have created, (see the lifetime works of Professor Stefano Zamagni), The economic model is based on our atavistic, reptile-level assumptions and principles. And yet we are not capable of changing it.

Ambiguity? - our world is Unequivocal. We have been destroying the planet and ourselves being stuck in the mental frame of exploitation. What also is unequivocal is our lack of capability to accept and understand the results of our actions. 

This bias in our collective understanding, the blind spot, the degenerated least common denominator of supremacy of humankind which we agree to be the cornerstone of the collective understanding, is exactly the root cause of why we have been hurting ourselves and everything around us.

All right, so how do we use the new SUCC acronym? I suggest we stop the destructive self-deception and replace the false VUCA business world framing with the VUCA SUCCs demystifier.

This is not to celebrate our SUCCess in this very focused and determined effort of our worst collective ego to exploit the world as a defense against the made-up threats of VUCA. What I mean is to stigmatize VUCA once and forever.

Stigmatize it with what calls us so strongly on individual level, with what everyone of us feels, senses and experiences through listening to our inner voice - how this VUCA journey SUCCs (sucks)!

From now on I am always going to use these two acronyms together - VUCA SUCCs.


Saturday, April 1, 2023

ESG Transformation - making it work and be impactful

“Scratch the surface of most cynics and you find a frustrated idealist — someone who made the mistake of converting his ideals into expectations.”
― Peter Senge

Is ESG going to significantly impact #the-necessary-transformation or is it just #follow-the-herd reflex?

The story of Tariq Fancy is an example of what happens when one tries to start a transformation from a wrong starting point - from the frozen middle of beneficiaries of the current status quo... 

One player of a bigger game cannot simply start playing by some other rules of the game than the rest of the players during the game - all players need to start a new game based on the new set of goals and principles, and on a different pitch too. 

The necessary transformation needs to start from redefining the rules of the game on a deeper level. In my Good Companies book I advocate for the rules of the game to be derived from a meaning making system. We need to start from Humanity Purpose, and only then redefine the Societal Meaning of Business, and only then deriving the New Mental Model of the Economy, and only then we can expect different behaviours of companies.

Please find the reference to the original material here:

The Secret Diary of a ‘Sustainable Investor’ — Part 1

By Tariq Fancy
August 2021

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Human Purpose is the next Big Time Transformation

Are good products most important? Is Business Agility most important? Is Collaborative culture most important? Well, not anymore. Not to mention frameworks, projects, or technology... Those all are just the hygiene levels, the necessary conditions for companies of today to survive. They are important, and we need to keep mastering them, yet those are not sufficient conditions for companies of the future. 

The next decades will bring a shift towards Good Companies, as I call them. Good Companies will drive us to a meaningful future by helping us to fulfill our humankind mission: to leave the world better than it is now. To respond and to internalise this new meaning of their existence is the necessary condition for companies to survive in the future. 

As the first step we will need to restore our own integrity and meaning to be strong enough to create such companies. This task requires us to redefine the current societal meaning of business and the mental model of the economy. It is high time for us to update all the legacy we inherited from our grandparents and create our own response to the living conditions of today. 

p.s. See also the full EvoMap here.

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Kate Raworth - economy designed to thrive not to grow! TED talk

I am apparently a few years after the pioneers, still trying to catch up, even with the whole research I did for the Good Companies book... :) And it still feels good that my ideas are genuine so that I can contribute them to the world! What a year that was - the Pinker's book and Raworth's book published!

Here goes the summary of Kate Raworth TED talk.

  • It is time to reimagine the shape of the progress curve - do we need economies that grow, whether or not they make us thrive?
  • Gross Domestic Product (GDP) invented in 1930s and very soon became the overriding goals of policymaking
  • Governments still think that the solution to their economic problems lies in more growth
  • W.W. Rostow,  The Stages of Economic Growth, 1960 book installs the believe that growth is necessary for something beyond than itself, like national dignity or better life for children
  • Roster left us flying into the sunset of mass consumerism. Yet the plane can never land. He knew this, and left us with the unanswered question:

What to do when the increase in real income itself loses its charm?

  • We are financially, politically and societally addicted to unending growth, through ROI in business, GDP in politics, and a century of consumerism propaganda in societal dimension, respectively.
  • GDP is 10x biger than it was in 1950s, brought prosperity to billions of people. Yet economy became devisive - 1% rich problem, degenerative - destabilizing this delicately balanced planet on which all our lives depend, 
  • Politicians offer new destinations of growth, yet
    I think it's time to choose a higher ambition, a far bigger one: to meet the needs of all people within the means of this extraordinary, unique, living planet so that we and the rest of nature can thrive.
  • No economist from the recent century saw this picture (of the current state), so why would we imagine that their theories would be up for taking up its challenges? We need ideas of our own because we are the first generation to see this, and probably the last with a real chance of turning this story around.
  • The new economy must be regenerative by design and distributive by design. 
  • We intuitively understand that when something tries to grow forever within a healthy, living, thriving system, it's a threat to the health of the whole. So why would we imagine that our economies could be one system that can buck this trend and succeed by growing forever?
  • We need to overcome the structural dependency on growth so we can instead focus on thriving and balance
  • It is boundaries that unleash our potential

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Good Companies and Reinventing Capitalism book combo

Dear Network,

As promised, here is your special gift.

To celebrate joining forces with Steve Denning on the quest to reinvent the economy in order to Leave This World in a Better State Than It Is Now, I offer Good Companies for free.

We aspire to help catalyze, synthesize, and energize the emerging coalition of managerial, economic, social, political, and ethical forces that are already re-imagining management and capitalism.

Starting from Feb 2nd to Feb 6th, the kindle edition of my book Good Companies will be available for FREE. 

In addition, for those who purchase Steve's Reinventing Capitalism book, the list of gifts is significantly longer.

Here are the instructions what you need to do to claim all 30+ Steve's gifts:

1. Go to this website, review the 30+ valuable gifts that will be available at 2pm EST Thursday
2. Register on that site so as to have the best chance to claim the high-value gifts that are limited in number
3. If you like it, you may also share the link to the website with your friends, colleagues, and followers.

To be able to register to collect Steve's gifts, you will need a valid Amazon receipt for purchase of the book.

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Joining forces with Steve Denning!

This is really happening. I contacted Steve just after Good Companies was released and he came back with promising feedback and an offer to join forces on reinventing the meaning of the economy.

Join us. Let's work together and use our collective intelligence to Leave the World Better Than It Is Now!

I will share a super welcome gift for you tomorrow, Feb 1st!  For now, let me invite you to join Steve's webinar tomorrow at 2pm EST.


Honestly, this book has been a source of such a meaningful time for me, amazing! 

Thursday, January 26, 2023

My post-release experience with the Good Companies book

This is what happened since the Good Companies book was released at 3:00am on 18th January 2023 when I pressed Publish buton at KDP self-publishing platform:

  • my wife Julia reorganized her day at work and came back home earlier to celebrate! I can't remember it happening ever before! 💕 
  • my father, Jerzy, said over the phone: Congratulations! I never knew any author in our family, it is a new experience for me. And then he called me three times during the day with specific advice and ideas related to book publishing and marketing. Amazing feeling to hear him engaged so spontaneously!
  • my uncle, Henryk, who was to celebrate his 90th birthday that weekend and I managed to ship the first physical copy of the book to him just a day before: I like the book but most importantly I love dedication. The dedication goes like this: To Henryk Kmieciak, my uncle, who showed me the mountains and, more importantly, what a fruitful and fulfilled life looks like. 
  • my kids: How much are you earning per copy of your book? What?? amazon charges you that much? That's a rip off!  And then: Look, there is a dedication for Grace! Grace is our beloved dog, a two and a half years old Irish setter.
  • my wider family got interested and congratulated me, naturally, and
  • my friends congratulated me
  • a few friends bought the book instantly
  • some others asked for a copy with a dedication, etc.
  • I am experiencing a boost in social interactions and renewing my relationships with many of you from various projects we used to work together. Omg, I feel grateful.

While I was getting all those epic reactions from the world, I was also feeling deeply grateful to myself inside. Thanks to the effort of the last five months, I have been able to deeply renew myself, get closer to myself, and re-discover who I am. The work was full of meaning. It was not work - it was an amazing adventure for me. Authoring the book was a dream job - because it was not a job :)

I was waking up every day happy that I would be writing. I also needed to do some research, so it enriched me. It helped me structure and make sense of the clouds of information I had accumulated in my mind for years of work and reflection.

Whatever the critics will say, I just had to say what I wanted to say. To be fair with myself. Or
simply to be one-ness (?) with my true self. I found so much meaning in this work, it refreshed me spiritually!

Another value of this book is that I intensified communication with a couple of colleagues who were early reviewers of the material. In parallel to getting friendly feedback, discussions, and referrals to other sources, it refreshed our relationships. I am truly thankful for this experience.

Now that the book is released, I feel responsible for building and maintaining the dialog based on the ideas from the book and to build the snowball for action!

There is also a financial aspect - I need to start earning... Yet, as they say: the path to success leads through happiness, not the other way round. And I am happy indeed. I am rebuilt, fulfilled, and feel ready to take on a new meaningful job.

Thanks for being a part of this journey with me. I will remember this moment for the rest of my life. 

Stay in touch or get in touch!

Friday, January 20, 2023

Good Companies - book released!

Good Companies

How to reinvent the economy and create companies that will drive us into a meaningful future?

Release date: 17 Jan 2023

We are living in an era of great anxiety and great disconnect. Civilizational debt calls to be paid off while CEOs continue to pursue profit and return on invested capital for shareholders.
If we do more of the same things that we have been doing, where does it lead us to?

In recent decades, this question has grown into the #1 most important question in the public domain. I call it the Great Challenge Question.

The Great Challenge question is a manifestation of the growing anxiety of individuals and societies across the globe. It exposes our current weakness and a crisis of humanity.

If you accept The Great Challenge, then there are natural follow-up questions that you need to ask yourself. What do our actions say about our current ways of thinking? What do they say about our beliefs, habits, and assumptions we make? What do they say about the goals we pursue?

Let’s look beyond the current well-established role of business and the principles of the economy. How do we need to transform the business world to start serving what is important to us?

In the just-released book "Good Companies: How to reinvent the economy and create companies that will drive us into a meaningful future?", I invite you to explore the current landscape of business and humanity. The book offers an aspirational alternative and constructs a vehicle for the necessary change to drive us toward a meaningful future.

My humble request to you is to wait no longer and act! Sometimes it is easier than we think, even if the task at hand looks daunting! Let’s engage in a collective effort, be the change we want to see in the world and be proud of our legacy for future generations!

I express special gratitude to Andrzej Ostrowski and Mariusz Kreft for enriching the book with their friendly challenge.

#goodcompanies #goodorganisations