Writing the Good Companies book was wonderfully liberating and helped me make sense of the mess around. I learned a lot and it taught me a lot. It also has given me a few important lessons. And as you can guess, it had both positive and negative consequences.
The blog of the Resonateers of the https://www.resonate.company. Enjoy! We welcome your contribution and feedback!
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Thursday, February 8, 2024
Loose birthday morning thoughts
Writing the Good Companies book was wonderfully liberating and helped me make sense of the mess around. I learned a lot and it taught me a lot. It also has given me a few important lessons. And as you can guess, it had both positive and negative consequences.
Friday, February 2, 2024
Interview (in Polish): KRYZYS WARTOŚCI w nowoczesnym świecie - jak się ODNALEŹĆ? | Piotr Trojanowski
W dzisiejszym dynamicznie zmieniającym się świecie, gdzie technologia i biznes ewoluują w zaskakującym tempie, często zapominamy o podstawowych wartościach i równowadze między życiem zawodowym a prywatnym. W tym odcinku "Kryzys Wartości w Nowoczesnym Świecie", zgłębiamy tematykę holistycznego podejścia do życia i pracy. Rozmawiam z Piotrem Trojanowskim o tym, jak zarówno liderzy biznesowi, jak i każdy z nas może odnaleźć harmonię i sens w codzienności. Poruszamy kwestie sztucznej inteligencji, transformacji biznesowej i znaczenia pełni człowieczeństwa w nowoczesnym świecie. Dołącz do nas, aby odkryć, jak możemy razem budować bardziej świadomą i zrównoważoną przyszłość. *W filmie poruszymy tematy* Redefinicja Sukcesu: Jak nowoczesne spojrzenie na sukces wpływa na nasze życie zawodowe i osobiste. Rola AI w Biznesie i Życiu: Zrozumienie wpływu sztucznej inteligencji na decyzje biznesowe i codzienne życie. Zmiany w Edukacji i Biznesie: Jak adaptować się do przewidywanych rewolucji w szkołach i firmach. Wyzwania Transformacji Biznesowej: Przejście od status quo do innowacji i autonomii pracowników. Społeczne Skutki Technologicznej Ery: Dyskusja o nowym układzie społecznym w obliczu zmian technologicznych. Holokracja i Nowoczesne Organizacje: Eksploracja nowych modeli organizacji biznesowych. Równowaga Pracy i Życia: Jak znaleźć balans między karierą a życiem prywatnym w świecie pełnym presji. Duchowe i Emocjonalne Aspekty Biznesu: Znaczenie wartości, duchowości i emocji w podejmowaniu decyzji biznesowych.
Future of Work Talks S3E1: Janusz Leski: Focus on Collective Leadership Effectiveness
Focus on Collective Leadership Effectiveness
Janusz Leski (ICE-EC) is Transformation Leadership Coach, Enterprise Agile Coach, Leadership Circle Profile (LCP) and Collective Leadership Assessment (CLA) Practitioner. Janusz helps leaders to grow and transform their organisations. Currently he is Senior Agile Coach at Ørsted, a company with a vision to create a world that runs entirely on green energy. Previously Janusz led from the start an agile transformation in a large financial institution. He transforms organisation leadership and culture to make organisations more successful and resilient in the Volatile Uncertain Complex and Ambiguous (VUCA) world. He assists organisations with becoming more value focused, increasing collaboration and supporting people development. He stands for being an authentic and integral leader. Janusz serves our shared humanity - we can be human only together.
Tuesday, January 9, 2024
A gift to welcome you into 2024!
To celebrate the upcoming 1st anniversary of Good Companies book release I offer you a free copy of its kindle edition. Spread the word! #goodcompanies
I appreciate following me or resonate.company profile in return. Or simply visiting https://www.resonate.company website. Thanks!
A word of encouragement: If you are planning a sabbatical or hesitate to prioritize what has been on your mind, but you never had time, resources, or courage to do it, just do it!
For me, the time of writing the book and ever since it got published has been transformative. I have made sense of decades of my experiences, redefined my future trajectory, and rebuilt myself personally. Everday this experience brings joy and sense of integrity. I would repeat it with no hesitation!
The best things in life are not things. It is all about fulfilling yourself. I'm happy to help you! I'm happy to talk about Good Companies!
Time limits: 10-11 January. Available at your local AMZN website.
US: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BSKH47LW
An epigram on Good Companies.
Hey, Product gurus!
Why haven't we noticed the uber-container, in which companies reside, is flawed and needs rethinking? The economy, I mean. It serves the wrong purpose. And thus companies do.
We tried to play a good game in the wrong pitch. I have learnt it is called Agent - Arena mismatch.
Thursday, January 4, 2024
AI & Developer Productivity
The biggest impact of Gen AI I have experienced so far is its support in developer's productivity. Coding feels really friendly these days thanks to #pairprogramming with Gen AI ! It feels like a reincarnation of the #extremeprogramming concept, yet this time you partner with the accumulated knowledge of the whole software development community as your peer. Just amazing!
Now, how far is your organization from this Developer's Nirvana? #developersnirvana
p.s. yes, I remember the times of C++ coding without STL library...
Tuesday, November 14, 2023
Surviving service market collapse together!
When I (re)started my consulting career at the beginning of 2020 I was so pleased to be on my own again! The feeling of the wind in my hair, endless opportunities, and being a skipper of my own fate. After 4 years it still feels natural for me, it reflects who I am. However, these 4 years turned to be the most challenging period in my career. First due to COVID-19, and this year, 2023, due to the effect of "the most expected recession ever" when companies literally cut all budgets to their roots.
I have been working in IT industry for 20+ years: I followed a technological career path for circa 12+ years, then got involved in running teams and projects, then I evangelised all the best practices of IT, software engineering practices, starting from XP, ending at Enterprise Agility, to massive companies that were lagging behind the innovation levels of their competition. In a way similar to many IT people, I was pulled out from IT work to play a bigger, "societal" mission to help those companies catch up. And then the mission was exposed to the market conditions of 2023.
Instead of doing purely the domain work I spent a significant portion of my time on pre-sales and marketing activities. (By the way, allow an off-topic here: this is why I claim that companies should replace hiring for positions with hiring to a distribution of roles, where, as in our personal lives, we play multiplicity of roles. Positions are oftentimes to rigid structuring limiting value generation and contributions).
Here are the lessons learnt that I feel I should share with my peers: advisors, contractors, small boutiques, expert think-tanks, etc.
1. You are still the same valuable (wo)man! Your knowledge and expertise are needed. It's not the right time of the cycle though.
2. Don't panic. Understand and respect the market cycle. There are things you can control, things you can influence, and things that concern you (which you cannot change).
Thursday, November 9, 2023
InfoQ article: How to leverage Good Companies to Fight Civilizaitonal Debt?
Thanks Ben, I do appreciate!
Here is the link: https://www.infoq.com/news/2023/11/good-companies-civilization-debt/
Sunday, October 8, 2023
Whole-Mind Thinking by Alan Seale and my renaissance of Human Integrity
One of the books that took me by surprise is Alan Seale's Transformational Presence.
I may say I have a resonating relation with this book. The book first surprised me with novelty of its narrative, then gave me relief that I was not alone, apparently not the only one who thought this way, helped me make sense of what I had sensed yet could not name for a long time, equipped me with a frame and vocabulary to use, and gave me strength to talk about the new perspective I learnt openly.
I am grateful to Alan for enabling all those above-listed personal developments of myself.
I am also surprised what a strong mark the social formatting I received in childhood left on my mind. For years I was not aware of this transparent layer of norms through which I was perceiving the world.
Examples of my discoveries in the book are The Whole-Mind Thinking and the The Whole-Being Awareness. They are central concepts which put together define the mental frame presented. I pictured the essence of The Whole-Mind Thinking on the poster below while I leave it to you to find out what The Whole-Being Awareness is.
I used The Whole-Mind Thinking in my book Good Companies to illustrate the wholeness and architecture of human intelligence in the first transformation story: Story 1: Renaissance of Human Integrity.
I believe Story 1 is the most natural place to start the transformation - in order to transform the world, we first need to be strong and integral ourselves. The mission we need to accomplish needs us strony and integral!
Monday, September 25, 2023
The Integral Economy Framework
Transformative efforts in companies require a lot more than changing behaviors on the surface. Nothing new. Without a deeper change, new behaviors by themselves won't last long. Nothing new again. A more enlightened approach calls for understanding the invisible forces, principles and assumptions driving companies. They originate from the principles and assumptions of the economy. The why of the economy, in turn, originates from how societies understand the meaning of business. Finally, the meaning of business originates from our understanding of our needs as humankind.
Let this iceberg help you adjust the course. It will tell you why transformations struggle. It will open up a space to lead the dialog on the necessary change. I call this iceberg The Integral Economy Framework.
Conclusions. A transformation is required on a much deeper level. This transformation is not about how we do things, aka "Speed & Value", but why we do things and what the meaning of the things we do is.
Throughout this year, 2023, I speak and run workshops about Good Companies Economics, based on my book, about the most important transformation, the one which is closest to my heart.
Wroclaw, Poznan, London, Amsterdam and Warsaw. Next is Scotland, and then Copenhagen.