
Saturday, April 13, 2024

A journey of self-transcendence - towards expressing myself

Summarizing my experiences and building my own understanding of what is important, what is meaningful and what is relevant resulted in a few mini books published on Leanpub and one fully fledged book - Good Companies, published on amazon. Clearly writing is my channel of expression.

The journey took me a few years before I was able to make my own sense of reality, extract the essence of my experience and use it to switch to the forward-looking frame. In this new frame I discovered endless potential for growth and transcendence. For me personally, for companies, and for societies.

Even now, one year after the Good Companies book was published, I resist removing a weekly reminder in my calendar that I set years ago in order to shape and define the rhythm of my efforts. Clearly the journey has transformed me and became a cornerstone of who I am, of my identity.

What's for you in my story?
1. Hear your inner voice, grow up to your mission, let it become the source of your actions.
2. Find your natural channel of expression
3. Let the change happen despite the associated feeling of "losing control" and departing from what you are used to and how it used to be, from your comfort zone.