
Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Leadership in times of "Agile is Dead" awakening

 When I hear someone says "Agile is Dead" I hear a disappointment, nostalgia that the time has come to say goodbye to something highly valued and meaningful, and also I hear hope there is a way to save Agile. 

Do not mix commoditization of ideas (i.e. Kano model) with their death. On the contrary, commoditization means the ideas become ubiquitous. Your business model may be dead, but not the ideas.

On the level of "Agile" buzzword - I don't care. It's probably better that it is dead. Personally, I hope that certifications are dead - all these 2 days trainings for thousands of dollars need to disappear. The quality of those trainings was tragic, their impact - negative. The existence of those trainings clearly reflected the existence of the Agile bubble. A word of mouth and an appealing productivity boost story caused the irrational pressure both on individual level and inside companies to follow the herd. This is how myths and cargo cults are created. Pragmatism and practical daily routines, e.g. XP, design thinking, coaching, is what counts for me. Cutting through the smalltalk and buzzwords, making decisions, getting things done count. Getting the best out of people and empathy count.

On the level of an idea - I do care. Agile is not dead. First, we barely touched agility as the whole thing (take the Integral Agility perspective to understand my point of view). Second, there are ideas building on agility that can take us to the next level. By us I mean not only companies, but in the first place individuals, societies, and the whole humanity. 

For those who narrow down the meaning of Agile to organizational effectiveness (aka performance machine), this may sound like claptrap, and I expect them to be among those preachers of 'Agile is Dead'. Don't worry abut these guys - they represent the fixed mindset, and clearly have not appreciated all the lessons learnt from two decades of the Agile era. If you paid them for leading you through Agility journey, I can imagine you find yourself disappointed - leaders abandon you once their business model, i.e. evangelizing without responsibility, collapses. That's the worst thing one can expect from a leader...

Personally, I was processing all the signs of disintegration of the idea of Agile, all the corruption and manipulation that led to the 'Agile is Dead' slogan very carefully. I wrote a few mini-books sharing my perspective on the phenomenon (see Agile 2020s - The Great Retrospective). First of the books were focusing on sharing experiences from the trenches, from the enterprise companies (see The Secret Ingredients of Agile Transformations, or The Landscape of Enterprise Agile Transformations). The latest book, Good Companies, takes a different stand. I have drawn an inspirational future of what is possible if we really care. It took a deep personal journey to discover all the beauty, and all the burden necessary to let the beauty shine, of where we can be if we focus our potential on what is important.

I strongly encourage you to find your own answers, coin your own meaning, and shape your own path, preserving a proper distance from the mainstream mourning of the Agile is Dead' transition.

As a side note, let me brief you with a bit of my personal transformation. If Agile is really dead, that would mean we are able to masacre even the most valuable ideas. I isolate myself from such thinking. I see it differently: we are so trapped in the wrong framing, we do not even realize there is one, and as a result we lost the ability to follow what is important to us. The reductionist frame and the group biases don't let us assess the situation clearly. 

A breakthrough is required, and possible as presented in Good Companies, to offer the world the best of who we, humans, are. A journey starts from the current state of how we interact with the world, i.e. Careless Exploitation and leads to state of the Caring Guardianship. It is a state where an independent observer, e.g. one of the species inhabiting the Earth can call our interactions with the world a caring guardianship. I believe this is the best of us that we owe to offer to this world. Whether we can make it will be the ultimate answer of meaning of our existence. 

This shift in understanding our role here results in shifts in cardinal aspects of how we understand the meaning of business, the mental model of economy, the relation between societies and the economy, etc. We have not yet started the journey! In my case the triggering event for opening the quest for Good Companies were the observations from many companies that I worked with, and the existing frictions not addressed, not even recognized(!) by digital and agile transformations.

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Loose birthday morning thoughts

Even people who write about an alternative thought framework of economics, the relationship between business and society, and those who would like to see this entire system based on and derived from the mission of humanity [please wait for this! ...] keep arguing, exercise pecking ordering, fight for the primacy of their ideas.

Writing the Good Companies book was wonderfully liberating and helped me make sense of the mess around. I learned a lot and it taught me a lot. It also has given me a few important lessons. And as you can guess, it had both positive and negative consequences. 

That's what happens if one pursuits her/his self-developmental path: breaks from the socialized mind, discovers the self-authoring mind, and explores the self-transcendant mind. 

With regard to family life, I have always been on a path to build multi-generational family that has roots in one place where kids, with their kids, meet for family events. I am far from achieving it. But it remains my dream.

p.s. I called a friend with whom I attended my secondary school and a few years at university. Feels really good investment of time at my birthday. A follow up planned.

Friday, February 2, 2024

Interview (in Polish): KRYZYS WARTOŚCI w nowoczesnym świecie - jak się ODNALEŹĆ? | Piotr Trojanowski

W dzisiejszym dynamicznie zmieniającym się świecie, gdzie technologia i biznes ewoluują w zaskakującym tempie, często zapominamy o podstawowych wartościach i równowadze między życiem zawodowym a prywatnym. W tym odcinku "Kryzys Wartości w Nowoczesnym Świecie", zgłębiamy tematykę holistycznego podejścia do życia i pracy. Rozmawiam z Piotrem Trojanowskim o tym, jak zarówno liderzy biznesowi, jak i każdy z nas może odnaleźć harmonię i sens w codzienności. Poruszamy kwestie sztucznej inteligencji, transformacji biznesowej i znaczenia pełni człowieczeństwa w nowoczesnym świecie. Dołącz do nas, aby odkryć, jak możemy razem budować bardziej świadomą i zrównoważoną przyszłość. *W filmie poruszymy tematy* Redefinicja Sukcesu: Jak nowoczesne spojrzenie na sukces wpływa na nasze życie zawodowe i osobiste. Rola AI w Biznesie i Życiu: Zrozumienie wpływu sztucznej inteligencji na decyzje biznesowe i codzienne życie. Zmiany w Edukacji i Biznesie: Jak adaptować się do przewidywanych rewolucji w szkołach i firmach. Wyzwania Transformacji Biznesowej: Przejście od status quo do innowacji i autonomii pracowników. Społeczne Skutki Technologicznej Ery: Dyskusja o nowym układzie społecznym w obliczu zmian technologicznych. Holokracja i Nowoczesne Organizacje: Eksploracja nowych modeli organizacji biznesowych. Równowaga Pracy i Życia: Jak znaleźć balans między karierą a życiem prywatnym w świecie pełnym presji. Duchowe i Emocjonalne Aspekty Biznesu: Znaczenie wartości, duchowości i emocji w podejmowaniu decyzji biznesowych.

Future of Work Talks S3E1: Janusz Leski: Focus on Collective Leadership Effectiveness

Focus on Collective Leadership Effectiveness

Organisations - including both corporations and start-ups - are usually established for a specific goal or purpose. Very rarely entrepreneurs want to build an organisation simply to have it. They want to accomplish something meaningful and important. Organisation’s purpose, more noble than to generate profits, is critical for its sustainability and for the impact it can have on its customers, employees and the society. We assess organisation accomplishments through its business performance or business effectiveness which should not be reduced to financial profitability. Organisation’s achievements can be assessed by the way it brings its noble purpose or vision closer to reality. This is also important from the point of view of the organisation’s sustainability. Business effectiveness is correlated with leadership effectiveness. Leadership Circle Profile methodology analyses leader’s effectiveness in relation to leader’s natural, protective or reactive tendencies, and creative competencies. Effective leaders have certain sets of both. The biggest impact on business effectiveness has not leadership effectiveness of individual leaders but, and this is extremely important, collective leadership effectiveness of the leadership team. I will explain why this is so important especially in modern organisations which are Complex Adaptive Systems. I will also analyse what it means to be a team - to be a good or effective leadership team. I will propose creation of a Deliberately Developmental Ecosystem (DDE) or Deliberately Developmental Organisation (DDO) as a way to build effective leadership teams. After describing the nature of DDE and DDO, I will explain why this is not an easy journey and what can help us to be successful on the way.

Janusz Leski (ICE-EC) is Transformation Leadership Coach, Enterprise Agile Coach, Leadership Circle Profile (LCP) and Collective Leadership Assessment (CLA) Practitioner. Janusz helps leaders to grow and transform their organisations. Currently he is Senior Agile Coach at Ørsted, a company with a vision to create a world that runs entirely on green energy. Previously Janusz led from the start an agile transformation in a large financial institution. He transforms organisation leadership and culture to make organisations more successful and resilient in the Volatile Uncertain Complex and Ambiguous (VUCA) world. He assists organisations with becoming more value focused, increasing collaboration and supporting people development. He stands for being an authentic and integral leader. Janusz serves our shared humanity - we can be human only together.